Light and Shadow: Crown Chakra The Light aspect: Ruling Planet: Ketu Meaning of Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Dwelling place (without support). Location: The Crown Chakra is located at
Light and Shadow: Third Eye Chakra The Light aspect: Ruling Planet: Saturn which rules Aquarius (Feminine) and Capricorn (Masculine). Saturn represents the Kronos and has to
Light and Shadow: Throat Chakra The Light aspect: Ruling Planet: Jupiter which rules Pisces (Feminine) and Sagittarius (Masculine). Jupiter represents luck, expansion, and optimism. The
Light and Shadow: Heart Chakra The Light aspect: Ruling Planet: Venus which rules Taurus (Feminine) and Libra (Masculine). Venus represents the Goddess of love.
Light and Shadow: Solar Plexus May 27, 2021 Chakras are the energy centers (wheels of light) in the body. These energies with the human brain
Light and Shadow: Sacral Chakra May 11, 2021 Chakras are the energy centers (wheels of light) in the body. These energies with the human brain
Light and Shadow: Root Chakra April 22, 2021 Chakras are the energy centers (wheels of light) in the body. These energies, with the human brain
Protect Your Peace February 8, 2020 Have you ever been so overwhelmed by life? Are things not going the way you planned? Do you have
How to Fast From Social Media February 5, 2020 Fasting from social media can be really tricky. Let’s be honest, it’s so addicting to have
Knowing When to Let People Go January 24, 2020 Letting go of people is something that happens in life, not everyone is meant to be on